2 baby boy background

Saturday, October 2, 2010

First Doctors Appointment

I had my first doctors appointment August 20th 2008, I had my first ultrasound that day as well and I saw my baby for the first time that day. My eyes welled up with tears with the love I felt for my child. I could barely believe how much love I had for this new life at the same time I felt, overwhelmed, lost, confused, and more than unworthy to be responsible for this little life. My life changed so much that day. I became aware of the reality of the situation. I still had never admitted to anyone my true feelings, I felt like I was supposed to be strong and detached but that day I couldn't deny my feelings anymore, I loved my child! I loved my baby more than anything, how was I supposed to place him in another mothers arms. I just wanted him in my arms. I knew in my heart it was the right thing, I had known it from the beginning, but now my love was that much stronger for my baby.

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